Pulsor® History

Pulsor® was invented by Dr. George T. F. Yao, an Electrical, Chemical and Molecular Engineer.

In order to better understand the significance of his work, it is good to know something of the influences and background which has shaped his thinking. Dr. Yao graduated from University as a chemical engineer and after working in Hong Kong on the earliest application of stretch nylon, he went to work in California as an aerospace engineer for Hughes Aircraft. There he gained much experience and studied further in molecular physics, including special materials and crystals used in electronic engineering. Dr. Yao also graduated as a naturopathic, also studying Polarity Therapy and Acupuncture. The combination of his eastern background plus all these talents and interests led him ultimately to the development of Pulsor®. The first Pulsors® were created around 1970 and have been in a continuous state of development and refinement since that day.

Pulsor® is a Unique Microcrystalline Composition

Pulsor® is a microcrystalline composition, sensitive to certain energy waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. Pulsor® is neatly sealed in many different types of Pulsor® devices such as a Pulsor® Wrist Bands, Pulsor® Decorative Pendant, and Pulsor® Products which creates a protective force shield so "electric smog" may not have any further effect upon the human system.

Dr. Yao discovered a new form of pollution that is invisible, cannot be felt or smelled, and is thought to be more dangerous than any other pollutant. The World is becoming smaller and environmental pollution is growing and spreading. Pulsor® Therapy can help protect you from Electromagnetic radiation that escapes from millions of domestic appliances, industrial businesses, radio and television stations, as well as personal computers, smartphones, tablets, and any technology which uses batteries or electricity. By keeping Pulsor® on us, we may protect ourselves from this bombardment of electronic and magnetic radiation.

Since this electromagnetic "smog" affects all biological energy systems by disorienting their natural vortex polarities, the body reacts as it would to any other invader. By using Pulsor® Therapy you could avoid psychological effects such as tension, headaches, frustration, and apprehension, Plus the body may find it easier to resist bacterial and viral infections, as well as many other diseases. Laboratory tests on animals have shown hormone, blood sugar, and enzyme changes.

Pulsors® maintains the vortex polarity balance of the body using its own energy and aura force fields. While we cannot escape the modern world and all its technological advances, we can protect ourselves with Dr. Yao's Pulsor® Technology from any potential electromagnetic danger.

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